So we pulled out of the storage lot at about 12:40 pm and
into Target at around 12:50 pm. slow progress to our destination.
Target shopping a view from the pilot's chair |
Slow sailing, so with the bedroom closet slide pins not holding the door, I decided to cut the dowel I have to hold the door from sliding, I got tools in the bay, so out I go cut the dowel and back in side as I shut the door I see a man coming in a bright red shirt. Oh no is Target going to tell me no working on my coach ? I go to the bedroom, place the dowel....the man is walking towards the door....rap rap rap. I go to the door, open it, older man..."Hello, I was inside visiting with your wife, and was admiring your coach, are you full timers? We visit until Linda comes out of Target and then we all visit more.
So we finally get loaded and off on our shake down cruise. We arrived at our first campground about 3:30 pm, got our site, pulled in, hooked up, slide out etc, worked thru our getting the hot water on even tho we were right in front of the bathrooms. We swapped out our carpet for the one when the coach is open and I am glad we purchased it, was 70.00 less than if we had been able to get one like we were thinking, and it feels better when sitting on the floor.
We were so busy we did not take many pictures of our first site. We slept very well on the new custom mattress, the only issue was at this park, they like to dump their dumpsters at 7:00 am crashing them loud enough to wake the most tired camper, and they have a lot of them to do. Later around 11:00 an hour before leaving on Saturday morning a couple that had driven over to the bathroom saw us outside and said we really like your coach, we asked them if they would like to see it and we visited with them for about 30 minutes.
Seems like the Bears Den draws them in like the Big Rig, only difference which I like is instead of an auto parked next to us in a parking lot, we get to meet and greet a lot of folks and learn about their camping experiences which we really enjoy.
We left and drove to our second destination Lake Murray State Park, and this time Linda allowed me to park next to the lake, and I never had to give the details on air brakes. Here we are all set up.
Lake Murray Elephant Rock Site 50 |
Kick off your Boots and Stay a While. |
One thing I like is the changing views so here are a few and I may do a series of slides called a "A View From My Window".... A long time ago, I did a song using Logic Pro and used that as the title, maybe I may do a video slide show...only time will tell, as I do need a lot more window pictures.
Last of all is to let you know our refrigerator thermometer works... really really good, alarm and all !!
I need to run the wires better but for testing it worked great ! |
At 3:00 am (Apx) the alarm went off on it to let us know the refrigerator was getting TOO cold, and the solution at that time of night, just open the door for a few seconds and then shut it, later we set the limits better.
Mama Bears drawing of what Papa Bear does when camping. |
For our first time out for more than a day it was a very successful Shake Down Cruise.
Click this link to
See Linda's video on Lake Murray State Park.