Measurement was 19 inches open and 12 inches closed, but when I ordered I selected from memory instead of my notes and went with a 17 inch model, of course I also forgot to get a Stud but later got one put on the shock and found out my notes are better than my memory, as you can see here when you are 2 inches short it covers part of the step, the other issue was 20 pounds was a little much for the hinges on the door, they are a little weak and the last thing I want to do is be hunting for that part.
So I ordered a 19 inch 13 pound and now the door opens and shuts with amazing perfection as you can see here. Linda was happy and well I was to, another item off the to do list.
I have some bulbs to pick up for the door step light, I completed cleaning and painting under the slide which looks like new to me now, and I will show photos before and after, I just forgot to do the after photos. Here is some BEFORE photos.
On my list to do is add a value extension to the inside dual wheels, the holes in the front rims are so small there seems to be no way to get it attached correctly for I may punt to a tire dealer soon and before our first major trip, now just two weeks till departure, and we are super excited about taking the Bears Den on the road full time.
Well that is the update from the Bears Den.
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